Video index
1. Call to order
3. Information
4. Public Comment
5. Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
6. Reconvene in Open Session
7. Consider Action on Closed Session Items
8.A. 2023 Bond Natatorium Recommendation
8.B. Align Hightower High School Project to Approved Budget
8.C. Align Turf & Athletics and Athletics Renovations Packages with Approved Budget
8.D. Defer Transportation Facility and Allocate Budget to Program Contingency
8.E. Eliminate Elementary School 55 and Allocate Budget to Program Contingency
8.F. CenterPoint Energy Blanket Easement - Briargate Elementary
8.G. CenterPoint Energy Blanket Easement - Mission Bend Elementary
8.H. Water Meter Easement with City of Arcola for Middle School No. 16
8.I. Gibson Consulting Program Management
8.J. Gibson Consulting Internal Audit Services
8.K. TASA Audits for Curriculum, Literacy, and Human Resources
8.L. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
8.M. 2025 Houston-Galveston Area Council General Assembly
8.N. Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
8.O. Policies CSA (Local), EHB (Local), and EIC (Local)
8.P. 2024-25 T-TESS Appraisers
8.Q. Fund Balance Resolution
8.R. Review of proposed expenses that exceed $50,000
9.A. Fort Bend Central Appraisal District (CAD) Board of Directors
Oct 07, 2024 Called Meeting & Agenda Review
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order
3. Information
4. Public Comment
5. Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
6. Reconvene in Open Session
7. Consider Action on Closed Session Items
8.A. 2023 Bond Natatorium Recommendation
8.B. Align Hightower High School Project to Approved Budget
8.C. Align Turf & Athletics and Athletics Renovations Packages with Approved Budget
8.D. Defer Transportation Facility and Allocate Budget to Program Contingency
8.E. Eliminate Elementary School 55 and Allocate Budget to Program Contingency
8.F. CenterPoint Energy Blanket Easement - Briargate Elementary
8.G. CenterPoint Energy Blanket Easement - Mission Bend Elementary
8.H. Water Meter Easement with City of Arcola for Middle School No. 16
8.I. Gibson Consulting Program Management
8.J. Gibson Consulting Internal Audit Services
8.K. TASA Audits for Curriculum, Literacy, and Human Resources
8.L. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
8.M. 2025 Houston-Galveston Area Council General Assembly
8.N. Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
8.O. Policies CSA (Local), EHB (Local), and EIC (Local)
8.P. 2024-25 T-TESS Appraisers
8.Q. Fund Balance Resolution
8.R. Review of proposed expenses that exceed $50,000
9.A. Fort Bend Central Appraisal District (CAD) Board of Directors
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