Video index
1. Call to order
4. Recognitions
5. Superintendent Update
6. Public Comment
7.A. Activity Report
7.B. Committee Reports
7.C. Special Reports
8.A. Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
8.B. Willowridge High School Update
8.C. Budgetary and Legislative Update
9. Consent Agenda
9.B. Consideration and approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2023-24.
9.G. Consideration and approval of a contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder and Mott, LLP, pursuant to the Texas Tax Code §6.30, for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to Fort Bend Independent School District, and notice of the Board's consideration of this contract is posted with the meeting agenda in accordance with Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code.
9.K. Consideration and approval of Construction Methods to be utilized for the upcoming Bond Program, and approval for the superintendent to recommend the project delivery/contract award method that provides the best value to the District.
9.L.5. Consideration and approval for the purchase of college and career planning software from SchooLinks in an amount not to exceed $1,125,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreements through April 2028.
9.A. Consideration and approval of the minutes of the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees meetings on the following dates: 1. February 9, 2023, Special Called Meeting: Facility Condition Workshop 2. February 13, 2023, Regular Business Meeting 3. February 16, 2023, Special Called Meeting: Almeta Crawford
10. Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
11. Reconvene in Open Session
12. Consider Action on Closed Session Items
13.A. Consideration and approval of the Joint Election Agreement and contract for Election Services ("Agreement") with Fort Bend County to coordinate and administer an election on Saturday, May 6, 2023, to elect one person to serve a full term as a Trustee in Positions 1, 4, and 5, and for the purpose of approving insurance of bonds.
13.B. Consideration and approval to give direction to the Superintendent regarding Board Policy EIC (Local) governing Academic Achievement: Class Ranking that was revised in 2019.
Apr 17, 2023 Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order
4. Recognitions
5. Superintendent Update
6. Public Comment
7.A. Activity Report
7.B. Committee Reports
7.C. Special Reports
8.A. Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
8.B. Willowridge High School Update
8.C. Budgetary and Legislative Update
9. Consent Agenda
9.B. Consideration and approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2023-24.
9.G. Consideration and approval of a contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder and Mott, LLP, pursuant to the Texas Tax Code §6.30, for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to Fort Bend Independent School District, and notice of the Board's consideration of this contract is posted with the meeting agenda in accordance with Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code.
9.K. Consideration and approval of Construction Methods to be utilized for the upcoming Bond Program, and approval for the superintendent to recommend the project delivery/contract award method that provides the best value to the District.
9.L.5. Consideration and approval for the purchase of college and career planning software from SchooLinks in an amount not to exceed $1,125,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreements through April 2028.
9.A. Consideration and approval of the minutes of the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees meetings on the following dates: 1. February 9, 2023, Special Called Meeting: Facility Condition Workshop 2. February 13, 2023, Regular Business Meeting 3. February 16, 2023, Special Called Meeting: Almeta Crawford
10. Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
11. Reconvene in Open Session
12. Consider Action on Closed Session Items
13.A. Consideration and approval of the Joint Election Agreement and contract for Election Services ("Agreement") with Fort Bend County to coordinate and administer an election on Saturday, May 6, 2023, to elect one person to serve a full term as a Trustee in Positions 1, 4, and 5, and for the purpose of approving insurance of bonds.
13.B. Consideration and approval to give direction to the Superintendent regarding Board Policy EIC (Local) governing Academic Achievement: Class Ranking that was revised in 2019.
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