Video index
1. Call to order
2. Superintendent Update
3.A. Bond Oversight Committee Update (Part 1 of 2)
3.B. Bond 2023 Planning Update
3.A. Bond Oversight Committee Update (Part 2 of 2)
3.C. WHS and BHS Feeder Pattern Consolidation Recommendation
4.A. Review minutes for approval of the following Fort Bend Board of Trustee meetings:
4.B. Review the Resolution to allow Fort Bend ISD Police Department to apply for a grant through the Office of the Governor to purchase Bullet Resistant Shields.
4.C. Review the Resolution to allow Fort Bend ISD Police Department to apply for a grant through the Office of the Governor to purchase Rifle Resistant Armor.
4.D. Review the 2023-24 FBISD Instructional Calendar.
4.E. Review to approve the calling of a Bond Election (the "Election Order") to be held for and within the District on Saturday, May 6, 2023, and further authorize the Board President to sign the attached Election Order.
4.F. Review a bond resolution that demonstrates the Board's desire to maintain proper oversight and accountability of all proceeds from bonds issued against the voter approved bond referendum from the District's bond election ("2023 Bond") to be held on May 6, 2023.
4.G. Review consolidation recommendation for elementary schools in the Willowridge High School feeder pattern.
4.H. Review consolidation recommendation for elementary schools in the Bush High School feeder pattern.
4.I. Review for the use of 2018 Bond Program Contingency as proposed.
4.J. Review for proposed expenses that exceed $50,000: Specifically for:
9.A. Consideration and approval of the Resolution to allow Fort Bend ISD Police Department to apply for a grant through the Office of the Governor to purchase Bullet Resistant Shields.
Feb 06, 2023 Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order
2. Superintendent Update
3.A. Bond Oversight Committee Update (Part 1 of 2)
3.B. Bond 2023 Planning Update
3.A. Bond Oversight Committee Update (Part 2 of 2)
3.C. WHS and BHS Feeder Pattern Consolidation Recommendation
4.A. Review minutes for approval of the following Fort Bend Board of Trustee meetings:
4.B. Review the Resolution to allow Fort Bend ISD Police Department to apply for a grant through the Office of the Governor to purchase Bullet Resistant Shields.
4.C. Review the Resolution to allow Fort Bend ISD Police Department to apply for a grant through the Office of the Governor to purchase Rifle Resistant Armor.
4.D. Review the 2023-24 FBISD Instructional Calendar.
4.E. Review to approve the calling of a Bond Election (the "Election Order") to be held for and within the District on Saturday, May 6, 2023, and further authorize the Board President to sign the attached Election Order.
4.F. Review a bond resolution that demonstrates the Board's desire to maintain proper oversight and accountability of all proceeds from bonds issued against the voter approved bond referendum from the District's bond election ("2023 Bond") to be held on May 6, 2023.
4.G. Review consolidation recommendation for elementary schools in the Willowridge High School feeder pattern.
4.H. Review consolidation recommendation for elementary schools in the Bush High School feeder pattern.
4.I. Review for the use of 2018 Bond Program Contingency as proposed.
4.J. Review for proposed expenses that exceed $50,000: Specifically for:
9.A. Consideration and approval of the Resolution to allow Fort Bend ISD Police Department to apply for a grant through the Office of the Governor to purchase Bullet Resistant Shields.
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